How to create a beautiful picture in photoshop Here is a collection of ways and tips to create beautiful effects for a photo, including fire, smoke, trees, clouds. These tools are often not mentioned to you and I have found and instructed you how to get those effects. Here is How to create a beautiful picture in photoshop follow these steps:
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How to create a beautiful picture in photoshop
How to create fire in photoshop
Step 1: Create an empty layer using the shortcut key Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N or you can select the icon + under the table Layer
Step 2: Then use the tool pen tool (P) draw the lines you want so that when you're done we'll ARE NOT press press key Ctrl + Enter to create a selection
Step 3: Now we enter the order Filter > Render > Flame to make fire
Step 4: After clicking on that tool, a parameter table will appear including direction, spread, and quantity of that fire object.
Step 5: Now we just click on the tool path. pen tool and delete it later Ctrl + T to adjust the size and direction of the fire to suit
How to create smoke in photoshop
Step 1: Create an empty layer using the shortcut key Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N or you can select the icon + under the table Layer
Step 2: Then use the tool Brush Tool (B) draw the lines you want
Step 3: Now we enter the order Filter > Blur Gallery > Path Blur create smoke opacity and diffusion
Step 4: After clicking on that tool, a parameter table will appear including the spread and opacity of that smoke object.
Step 5: Now we Ctrl + T to adjust the size and direction of the fire to suit
How to create a tree in photoshop
Step 1: Create an empty layer using the shortcut key Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N or you can select the icon + under the table Layer
Step 2: Enter order Filter > Render > Tree create tree for object
Step 3: Now the parameter table appears. Tree including plant type, light direction, number of leaves, leaf size, branch height, branch thickness
Step 4: After adjusting the above parameters appropriately > OK
Step 5: Move and place the object as desired
How to create fog in photoshop
Step 1: Create an empty layer using the shortcut key Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N or you can select the icon + under the table Layer
Step 2: Fill the newly created layer object with white background color Alt + Delete
Step 3: Enter order Filter > Render > Cloud to create fog
Step 4: Use blending modes Screen to separate the black background of the cloud layer and reduce Opacity accordingly
How to create a late night scene in photoshop
Step 1: Click on the icon Create new fill or adjustment layer under the table Layer
Step 2: Find command Color Lookup click
Step 3: 3DLUT File we click to select MoonLight.3DL to set the night scene for the photo
In short
How to create a beautiful picture in photoshop guides us on how to create effects as well as for a beautiful picture that we want and helps you know the features and tools to create those object effects in the most suitable way possible.
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