Illustrator Eraser Tool
What is illustrator's Eraser Tool?
Is a tool used to erase drawings or paths that we need to erase
Is a tool whose keyboard shortcut is Shift + E After using this tool, the deleted objects will automatically become different objects
The tool helps us delete naturally according to our wishes, besides that we also have 2 support tools
Scissors Tool (2):shortcut is (S) Used to delete points on a path or points added by a tool Pen
Knife Tools (3): used to cut the drawing as desired and also separate the object into many objects
- When using Eraser Tool In this process of deleting an image or an object, the erased lines will bend and create space between the two objects.
- At this time, each object after using the tool will split into 2 objects
- This tool helps us create the most natural curves possible
- When holding down the key Shift Used to delete lines straight or inclined
- When holding down the key Alt Used to create a square or rectangular frame that we want to delete
Next comes the tools Scissors Tool Function used to cut points on the path
When using Scissors Tool On an object, click on the point to cut (1) Then we drag the mouse over the menu bar to use the drag tool (2) Only now can it be done Scissors Tool
Here are some images in use Scissors Tool on background and border
Note that the zoning points are selected points for how we can use them pen tool + Enter the paths then use Scissors Tool on point pen that I gave
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Finally tools Knife used for cutting on planes or contours, this tool is similar to Eraser Tool
Knife Tool different from CEraser Tool is unable to combine keys Shift and Alt
This article helps us understand the 3 Eraser Tool, Knife Tool, Scissors Tool in illustrator. Helps us understand the functions of each tool and how to use it most effectively for beginners.
If you want to learn more about illustrator, I have put links to some tools and in addition, this fanpage also contains many good articles from Photoshop, illustrator,... If you want to find a place to learn about illustrator or photoshop Then register for a Graphic Express course. There will be 1-on-1 training to help you understand better, and is convenient for students and workers, and the study time can be freely chosen.
There are also a number of courses such as 3DS MAX, Autocad, Sketchup,... and thousands of valuable copyrighted library documents.
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