How to use and create Blend in Illustrator
What is Blend?
- Blend is a combination of two images that create images of equal size or large or small depending on the size of one of the two images you want to blend.
- Blend is often used to create beautiful effects for banners or posters in graphic design
- Helps us limit the need to redraw the image, helping us design less time. Using blends helps us create more beautiful and natural images.
- In addition, Blend also helps us increase or decrease the quantity as desired during the usage process

To open the Blend tool on the menu bar: Go to Object > Blend > Blend Option..

Or you can use this tool which is also blend with a keyboard shortcut of (W)
When you use the blend tool, you must have at least 2 objects to use this tool
You can use it directly with Blend tool with the keyboard shortcut is ALT + CTRL + B

How and steps to use Blend in Illustrator
1. Create 2 objects | 2. Use with keyboard shortcut is ALT + CTRL +B |
3. Use with the Blend tool Click the first object followed by clicking the following object |
4. Steps to transform from square to star |
5. Number of steps we take | 6. Color smoothness of blending steps | 7. Number of steps between two objects that we blend | 8. The distance of the steps that we blend together |
Image of Blend modes
This is the difference between the two tools blend in illustrator
- Blend 2: is about the quantity between the 2 main objects that we blend
- Blend 3: is about the distance between 2 consecutive blends of 30pt
See more >
- Illustrator Rotate & Reflect Tool
- Instructions for using the Shear Tool in Illustrator
- Type Tool in illustrator
- How to use Pen Tool Illustrator
- Instructions for using Illustrator's Scale tool
When you want to fall apart Blend So we use keys ALT + CTRL + SHIFT +B or enter Object > Blend > Release
When you want to move one of the two main Blend objects, just double-click on that blend. Now you can move back and forth and change the color of the two main blends.

Some good tips when using the Blend tool in illustrator

- Make: When you use this shortcut for 2 objects, the steps between those 2 blends will appear (any number of steps)
- Release: Used to cancel a command or disband a blend command
- Blend Options: Used to edit the steps accordingly or the distance of those two blends
- Expand: Separate all blend steps of 2 main objects into separate objects that can be used to edit or change color
- Replace Spine: Brings the blends of 2 objects into 1 line path.path something we want
- Reverse Spine: Used to change the left and right positions of the two main blend objects
- Reverse Front to Black: Used to change the front and back of two objects
This is the way create these The object runs around the path in illustrator
Step 1: We draw a circle and then create an inner shape parallel to it
Step 2: We use the Blend tool on those two circles to create steps between those two circles
Step 3: We draw a shape with a path and then click that path along with the object we blended
Step 4: You enter Object > Blend > Replace Spine
Step 5: If the blend running on the line is missing, we can edit it Cut
Step 6: If we don't use the cutting tool, we can add points using the tool Pen
Step 7: Then I Expand Then we ungroup and edit it to make it fit beautifully

Here's how to use it Blend in illustrator for Backgroup creation
Step 1: We draw any two paths from the Pen tool
Step 2: We use the Blend tool between those two paths to create blending steps and colors
Step 3: Place the image in any backgroup, then create an additional frame to cut off the excess parts outside the backgroup
Step 4: Then we use Ctrl + 7 (Make Clipping Mask)
Step 5: There is already a backgroup from the Blend tool

After this article, I will guide you in detail how to use it Blend tool in illustrator . Help me know and create many blends for myself in design. If you find it interesting and interesting, don't hesitate to give me 5*, so I can have more motivation to produce more good articles to support you.
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